I was never a reader UNTIL I FOUND THE RIGHT BOOK
I read many books in my school, then in my university, but I never thought that reading could be so much fun. From reading Instagram posts to reading insightful answers on social media, I realised that reading is an investment that a person must do. Some investments bear instant fruits, and some take time to mature. You can never predict how something you read somewhere helps you in some way or the other.
I discovered this whole new world when I started reading. One of my friends introduced me to an Instagram page that threw light on the adventures that reading brings to a person’s life. I first started my reading journey with a self-help book – “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma. Trust me, books fill in the blanks in our minds. Now, I try my best to finish one book every week, which helps me to process my overwhelming thoughts. Coffee at dawn with books is my weekend ritual. I happen to envision that books are an excellent way to escape from reality when you’re in trouble and then bounce back with a new zeal. You’ll either be able to fix the problem or have something to read while the rest of the world crumbles around you. I find myself more inclined towards fictional books, which can be science fiction, romance or historical. However, I don’t limit myself to a specific genre. I believe through reading, we should be learning irrespective of the genre, broadening our horizons, expanding our sympathies and our imagination, and thereby growing as a person. My favourite authors include Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Colleen Hoover and Drew E. Whitman.
As rightly said by Mr Charles Baudelaire, “A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company, by the way, a counsellor, a multitude of counsellors.”
How do I fit in time for reading?
Replacing my phone with a book on my nightstand was the best decision I have ever made. Instead of scrolling through social media every night, I try to dedicate at least half an hour to reading. I’m still not very regular in this, but I am trying to get there. And, I know I will.
What have I learnt from reading?
I absolutely love that reading makes you live multiple lives in a single life. I enjoy putting my feet into someone else’s shoes and understand the nitty-gritty of different situations. Trust me, some of them have been amazing! My newfound love, reading, has helped me become observant of minor details.